Author : thegoblin

For general login information, see Logging in to The Goblin’s Notebook. If you are having problems loading the notebook, it could be something on your local browser that is stopping it from loading. The login button is displayed after cookies have been accepted (you only need to do this the first time you load the ..

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Are you using “disconnect“, “ghostery“, “privacy badger“, “I don’t care about cookies“, or some other blocker extension? Those modules, by design, block requests going out of a web site or block functionality (such as cookies) within a site, so they may block access to Google Authentication from The Goblin’s Notebook. To sign-in via Google, you ..

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Go to (you don’t need to sign up on imgur) Drag your file into the window (or click New Post from the top-left corner and choose your file) The page will change to show your image uploaded The URL in the address bar isn’t the one you need, neither is the one given when ..

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With the OneDrive client installed, files automatically get uploaded to the cloud so you just need to get the direct URL to your image. There are not many step to this. View the file in the OneDrive website The easiest way is to go to your local OneDrive folder, find the file, right-click and select ..

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Connections are a way of linking any object to any other object so that the relationship can be visualised and filtered for easy navigation between them. For example, connect an NPC to the location they are likely to be encountered and to any quests they may give or have information for, plus any bits of ..

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Chapters allow you to split up your campaign into manageable chunks. When you select a chapter, only the objects for that chapter will show so you can easily focus on only those that are relevant to the current part of the story. Think of them as a pre-defined object filter. You can create as many ..

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You can move objects to be in any order that you want by simply dragging them into position! Moving object position Drop in the top half to position the dragged object immediately before the dropped object , note the orange gradient towards the top indicating this will be positioned before the target object . The ..

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The journal is your in-play log of your game, it is designed to be used to quickly add notes on anything that happens during your game session for easy reference later. Journal entries are time stamped with the real life date and time that they were created. This time can be edited so that you ..

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