Author : thegoblin

This update includes a few improvements related to navigating and selecting objects. Browser History Selected objects now tracked in the browser history so you can use the back/forward buttons in your browser to navigate to previously selected objects. Direct Object Linking You can copy a link to give to someone (or use yourself) that takes ..

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You can now choose to share or hide chapters in shared campaigns manually, rather than automatically sharing all chapters that have objects assigned. Enable this functionality via a new setting in the sharing section of the campaign preferences. When active, simply share or hide the chapter by the sharing icon in the chapter details panel. ..

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Rolling digital dice on a click from notes and statblocks is great, but having to write the dice notation in a rᴏllable() block beforehand doesn’t help too much with ad-hoc rolls. That isn’t a problem any more with the new Dice Roller, allowing you to roll the dice you need at a moment’s notice! Type your dice notation ..

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Notes, statblock and consumable markdown can now include a field to enable rolling digital dice! Use the rollable() markdown syntax to create a link that will roll the dice specified using standard dice notation (1d6, 1d20+2, 2d6+4d4+6, etc) when clicked. dice Required The dice notation for the roll. See below for more details. dicelabel Optional ..

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The notebook can include markdown that rolls digital dice. You can roll dice with any number of sides dice Required The dice notation for the roll. See below for more details. dicelabel Optional The text to display in the title bar of the roll notification. Will default to the dice notation if omitted. label Optional ..

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