Added ‘spell’ to the type..
Author : thegoblin
Added markdown templates to the campaign preferences that can be applied to the notes field on objects to quickly provide an outline for notes Added markdown $[objectid] to display the current object name Added a menu bar above the edit notes field so the buttons no longer overlap the editable text area, added dropdown to ..
Fixed a bug that caused an error when editing an object journal entry at cha..
Stopped allowing blank note when creating a ..
Fixes Fixed a bug that caused an error when deleting locations with children Fixed a bug that caused an error when trying to link an object to all chapters Features and Usability Added campaign preferences panel Moved ‘rename campaign’, ‘delete campaign’, ‘load demo data’, and ‘export data’ options to the campaign preferences panel Added preference ..
Added drag/drop to object lists for re-orderi..
Fixes Fixed a bug causing an error when renaming objects with empty notes field Accessibility Changed connection colour from green to blue to be more colour-blind accessible Features and Usability Added ‘friendly npc’, ‘neutral npc’, ‘hostile npc’ and ‘beast’ creature types, ‘non-player character’ renamed to ‘other’ Added ‘food / drink / consumable’ thing type Added ..
Added collapsing and expanding of location..
Added subscrip..
Added first time login popup to help new users get started with the dem..