Campaign Log Mode is intended to be the ‘in-play’ setting to auto-mark journal entries as “campaign notes”, and to enable some automatic journal entry creation for status and connection changes.
“Campaign note”
When this option is set on a journal entry, as well as the entry appearing in the object it is logged against, it will also appear under any chapter the object is included in and the campaign as a whole. This gives you a chronological journal of all entries across all objects with either the campaign or specific chapters.
Campaign notes and object notes have different icons to tell them apart. A filled icon () is a campaign note and will be visible in object, chapter and campaign journals. An outline icon (
) is an object note and will only be visible on objects.
Entries can be toggled between campaign and object notes by clicking the icon.

It is likely that some objects will appear in multiple chapters, to have journal entries only appear in a chapter they were made in, you may need to set chapter date filters, see “Limiting Journal Entries”.
Status changes
A status change is logged against the object in the format of "<object> is now '<new status>'"

Connection changes
New connections will be added to the first object journal and reference the connected object, mentioning the note, in the format of "<object> <note> <connected object>"
. The journal entry will appear in both object’s journals.

Deleted connections will have the entry of "<object> no longer <note> <connected object>"
and will appear in both object’s journals.

More on the journal
For more information on the journal, see Using the journal.