Author : thegoblin

To use images in your markdown, they first need to be hosted on the internet somewhere The Goblin currently doesn’t offer any file hosting capability but there are plenty of options out there already. Using an image already on the web You can use most images that you find online by simply right clicking them ..

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There is a custom markdown syntax option to link directly to other objects. You can manually type the markdown syntax or the much easier approach, when in edit mode simply click another object and the markdown syntax will be added for you. When clicking an object, the (optional) custom label will be left blank. Syntax @[custom label](objectid) ..

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Recent changes to Google Drive has made hosting images on the platform unreliable and is broken for some users and/or images. The Goblin not longer recommends hosting images on Google Drive. Images can be embedded directly from Google Drive. You need to copy the link from the google drive interface and make some changes to ..

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How do I subscribe? The Goblin’s subscriptions are handled by Patreon. To subscribe, you need a Patreon account, to join The Goblin’s Patreon campaign, and link your Patreon account to the The Goblin’s Notebook. Why Patreon? Patreon handles all the user data and billing so The Goblin doesn’t have to, ensuring that you get a robust ..

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Go to Drag your file into the window (or click ‘start uploading’ and choose your file) The page will change to show your file Press the ‘upload’ button The page will change to show your image is uploaded The URL in the address bar isn’t the one you need, neither is the one in ..

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What is markdown? Markdown is a lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting elements to plaintext text documents. Using Markdown is different than using a WYSIWYG editor. In an application like Microsoft Word, you click buttons to format words and phrases, and the changes are visible immediately. Markdown isn’t like that. When ..

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Some of the most common used formatting options are Formatting Markdown Syntax Headings # Heading 1## Heading 2### Heading 3 Bold **bold text** or __bold text__ Italic *italic text* or _italic text_ Lists – Item 1- Item 2- Item 3 Checkbox Lists – [ ] Unchecked item- [x] Checked item Link [The Goblin’s Notebook]( Image ![alt text](image.jpg) Horizontal Rule ..

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